Everyday, everyone in this world is
communicating with others. Communication can be done either in verbally or
non-verbally. For example, we can communicate through body language, like when we are in a restaurant, we read and flip through the menu, we will make a
posture like reading a book so the waiters know what we need.
Actually, there is some basic components in a communication, such as
the sender and receiver, medium, message and feedback.
First, the sender and the receiver.
Sender is the one who give out a message while the receiver is the
one who accept the message. Sender is playing a very important role
in a communication because if the sender sent a wrong message, then
the receiver will get a wrong message and hence it will lead to
misunderstanding. So, sender should be careful and be clear while
giving a message to avoid any misunderstanding.

Second, medium. Medium is the way of
how you communicate with other. Are you communicate with other
face-to-face, through telephone, using short message service (sms)
and even writing letter, all of this are the medium of communication.
However, we should choose a right medium while we communicating with
other. For example, if you want to tell something urgent to the
other, we should choose the fastest and clearest way such as talking
to each other face-to-face or through telephone but not using the
short message service (SMS) or writing a letter because it is slower
and cannot be explained very clearly about the incident.

Third, the message. Message is the
object in a communication, that is the thing that you want others to
know. Message can be transfer in the form of writing, speaking,
visual and so on. Each message that given out has a purpose. The
objective can be to convey important facts or information, to
persuade the receiver to accept or reject something, to motivate the
receiver, to attract the receiver's attention or to entertain the
receiver. The persuasive message is a very common purpose in a
communication, especially for the promoter. They will persuade you to
buy their product so they can earn their commission.
Last but not the least, the feedback.
Feedback is the response from the receiver to the sender based on the
message the sender given out. Feedback is an essential component in a
communication because the feedback can let us know that the receiver
understand your message or not. There is two kind of feedback,
positive feedback and negative feedback. Let's take the example that
mentioned earlier, a promoter is selling his product, he try to
attract and persuade you to buy his product, after he introduce and
promote the product to you, now he is waiting your feedback. A
positive feedback like you buy the product, which mean he sells the
product to you successfully. If you refuse to buy the product, it
will be a negative feedback because you did not accept the product he
sells and he could not make a deal.

Choosing a medium to transfer the message from the
sender to the receiver, the purpose of the message, the sender and
receiver, all of this will affect the come out which is the feedback.
So, make your communication meaningful and successful!